DigitalDavao goes to Computex in Taipei Taiwan

DigitalDavao goes to Computex 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan. We are blessed with another opportunity to be an international visitor to the annual Computex in Taipei, Taiwan. The first Computex we joined was back in 2019. Computex has been the annual exhibit of technology innovation in Asia. The collection of brandsRead More →

AMD Speaker with Gigabyte Marketing and Davao Tech Bloggers at the AMD Ryzen Event

AMD Ryzen product update in Davao City was held at the Royal Mandaya Hotel. AMD gathered retailers, pc enthusiasts, gaming group and local tech bloggers to their product update, as they introduce AMD Ryzen 7 series processors. AMD has generated a huge buzz in the computer community and industry whenRead More →

gigabyte aorus demo unit

The Gigabyte product update in Davao City gathered local suppliers, patrons and media partners to witness the new lineup of motherboards for their Aorus product line. With their mission to “create the best gaming motherboard”, truly gigabyte has incorporated features that are truly benefiting to their users. Aorus is theRead More →